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Acknowledgment of Responsibility and Registration Form Full Attorney Privileges (rev. 04/04/22) LF-095LF-95 [PDF] [DOC]
Acknowledgment of Responsibility and Registration Form Limited Filer (rev. 09/14/23) LF-096LF-96 [PDF] [DOC]
Acknowledgment of Responsibility and Registration Form Trustee (rev. 04/04/22) LF-094LF-94 [PDF] [DOC]
Adversary Proceeding Cover Sheet B1040B1040 [PDF]
Affidavit of Auctioneer (rev. 09/14/23) LF-022LF-22 [PDF] [DOC]
Affidavit of Claimant (rev. 12/01/15) LF-028LF-28 [PDF] [DOC]
Affidavit of Proposed Attorney for Debtor in Possession (rev. 12/01/16) LF-017LF-17 [PDF] [DOC]
Affidavit of Proposed Attorney for Trustee (rev. 12/01/16) LF-018LF-18 [PDF] [DOC]
Agreed Ex Parte Motion to Abate 3002.1 Notices and Reconcile Annually (12/01/2020) LF-055LF-55 [PDF] [DOC]
Agreed Order to Employer to Deduct and Remit and for Related Matters (rev. 02/07/13) LF-075LF-75 [PDF] [DOC]
Appearance of Child Support Creditor or Representative B2810B2810 [PDF]
Application for Approval of Employment of Auctioneer (rev. 12/01/09) LF-021LF-21 [PDF] [DOC]
Application for Compensation for Professional Services or Reimbursement of Expenses by Attorney for Chapter 13 Debtor (rev. 12/01/09) LF-069LF-69 [PDF] [DOC]
Application for Individuals to Pay the Filing Fee in Installments (rev. 09/07/21) LF-003LF-3 [PDF] [DOC]
Application for Individuals to Pay the Filing Fee in Installments (rev. 09/07/21) LF-003LF-3 [PDF] [DOC]
Application for Search of Bankruptcy Records (rev. 12/01/2023) LF-085LF-85 [PDF] [DOC]
Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived (NOTE: Debtors must meet poverty guidelines criteria to qualify for waiver) B103BB103B [PDF]
Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived (NOTE: Debtors must meet poverty guidelines criteria to qualify for waiver) B103BB103B [PDF]
Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived (Proverty Guidelines) ---------- [PDF]
Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived (Proverty Guidelines) ---------- [PDF]
Application to Withdraw Unclaimed Funds (rev. 12/01/15) LF-027LF-27 [PDF] [DOC]
Archives Request Form (rev. 12/01/2023) LF-088LF-88 [PDF] [DOC]
Attachment to Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Under Chapter 11 (if applicable) B201AB201A [PDF]
Attachment to Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Under Chapter 11 (if applicable) B201AB201A [PDF]
Attestation of [_____] in Support of Request for Stipulation Conceding Dischargeability of Student Loans SL FormSL Form [PDF]
Attorney-Represented Debtor's Notice of Participation in Student Loan Program SLP-LF-001SLP-LF-01 [PDF] [DOC]
Attorney-Represented Debtor’s Verified Ex Parte Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation MMM-LF-001MMM-LF-01 [PDF] [DOC]
Attorney-Represented Debtor’s Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation MMM-003MMM-LF-03 [PDF] [DOC]
Ballot and Deadline for Filing Ballot Accepting or Rejecting Plan (rev. 10/10/14) LF-033LF-33 [PDF] [DOC]
Bankruptcy Petition Preparer's Notice, Declaration, and Signature (if applicable) B119B119 [PDF]
Bankruptcy Petition Preparer's Notice, Declaration, and Signature (if applicable) B119B119 [PDF]
Bill of Costs (rev. 12/01/2024) LF-041LF-41 [PDF] [DOC]
Caption for Use in Adversary Proceeding other than for a Complaint Filed by a Debtor B416DB416D [PDF]
Certificate of Compliance with Rule 8015(a)(7)(B) or 8016(d)(2) B417CB417C [PDF]
Certificate of Proponent of Plan on Acceptance of Plan, Report on Amount to be Deposited, Certificate of Amount Deposited and Payment of Fees (rev. 12/01/09) LF-034LF-34 [PDF] [DOC]
Certificate of Service and Certificate of Compliance with Local Rule 9073-1(D) (rev. 12/01/09) LF-046LF-46 [PDF] [DOC]
Certificate of Subchapter V Debtor on Acceptance of Plan, Report on Amount to be Deposited (10/07/20).pdf LF-034ALF-34A [PDF] [DOC]
Certification of Judgment for Registration in Another District B2650B2650 [PDF]
Certification to Court of Appeals B424B424 [PDF]
Chapter 11 Case Management Summary (rev. 12/01/09) LF-093LF-93 [PDF] [DOC]
Chapter 11 Statement of Current Monthly Income B122BB122B [PDF]
Chapter 11 Statement of Current Monthly Income B122BB122B [PDF]
Chapter 13 Calculation of Your Disposable Income (May be Required) B122C-2B122C-2 [PDF]
Chapter 13 Calculation of Your Disposable Income (May be Required) B122C-2B122C-2 [PDF]
Chapter 13 Plan (Effective 04/01/2022) LF-031LF-31 [PDF]
Chapter 7 Means Test Calculation (May be Required) B122A-2B122A-2 [PDF]
Chapter 7 Means Test Calculation (May be Required) B122A-2B122A-2 [PDF]
Chapter 7 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income B122A-1B122A-1 [PDF]
Chapter 7 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income B122A-1B122A-1 [PDF]
Chapter 7 Trustees Motion to Dismiss Case for Failure by Debtor to Appear at the 341 Meeting of Creditors (rev. 04/23/19) LF-065LF-65 [PDF] [DOC]
Confirmation Affidavit (rev. 12/01/09) LF-062LF-62 [PDF] [DOC]
Confirmation Affidavit for Subchapter V Debtor (10/07/20) LF-062ALF-62A [PDF] [DOC]
Cover Sheet for Reaffirmation Agreement B427B427 [PDF]
Cover Sheet to Accompany Items Conventionally Submitted for Sealing or in Camera Review (rev. 07/22/24) LF-072LF-72 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor in Possession’s Application for Employment of Attorney (rev. 12/01/09) LF-015LF-15 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor's Ex Parte Motion to Approve Mediation Agreement with Private Student Loan Lender SLP-LF-012SLP-LF-12 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor's Motion to Separately Classify Federal Student Loan and Income Driven Repayment Plan SLP-LF-005SLP-LF-05 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor's Motion to Separately Classify Private Student Loan SLP-LF-014SLP-LF-14 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor's Notice of Income Driven Repayment Plan SLP-LF-004SLP-LF-04 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor's Notice of Selection of Private Student Loan Mediator SLP-LF-009SLP-LF-09 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor's Request to Receive Notices Electronically Under DeBN Program (06/01/16) LF-080LF-80 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor's Verified Certification of Payment and Recertification of Income SLP-LF-007SLP-LF-07 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor’s Certificate of Compliance and Request for Confirmation of Chapter 13 Plan (rev. 12/01/09) LF-067LF-67 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor’s Certificate of Compliance, Motion for Issuance of Discharge and Notice of Deadline to Object (Chapter 13 Cases filed on or after 4-1-2022) (rev. 04/01/22) LF-097ALF-97A [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor’s Certificate of Compliance, Motion for Issuance of Discharge Before Completion of Plan Payments, and Notice of Deadline to Object (Chapter 13 Cases filed on or after 4-1-2022) (rev. 04/01/22) LF-097BLF-97B [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor’s Notice of Compliance with Requirements for Amending Creditor Information (rev. 12/01/15) LF-004LF-4 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor’s Notice of Filing Payroll and Sales Tax Reports (rev. 12/01/09) LF-078LF-78 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor’s Notice of Selection of Mortgage Modification Mediator MMM-011MMM-LF-11 [PDF] [DOC]
Debtor’s Response to 3002.1 Notice [Ecf No._____] in Relation to Claim No. [Claim No.___] (rev. 05/27/21) LF-048LF-48 [PDF] [DOC]
Declaration Concerning Debtor’s Schedules B106DecB106Dec [PDF]
Declaration Concerning Debtor’s Schedules B106DecB106Dec [PDF]
Declaration of Inmate Filing B4170B4170 [PDF]
Declaration Regarding Payment Advices (rev. 12/01/09) LF-010LF-10 [PDF] [DOC]
Declaration Regarding Payment Advices (rev. 12/01/09) LF-010LF-10 [PDF] [DOC]
Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors B202B202 [PDF]
Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors B202B202 [PDF]
Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor (May be Required) B2030B2030 [PDF]
Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor (May be Required) B2030B2030 [PDF]
Disclosure of Compensation of Bankruptcy Petion Preparer (May be Required) B2800B2800 [PDF]
Disclosure of Compensation of Bankruptcy Petion Preparer (May be Required) B2800B2800 [PDF]
Disclosure Statement for Small Business Under Chapter 11 B425BB425B [PDF]
Ex Parte Motion to Approve Mortgage Modification Agreement with (Lender) MMM-014MMM-LF-14 [PDF] [DOC]
Ex Parte Motion to Excuse Compliance Under Local Rule 5005-4(B) (rev. 12/01/16) LF-098LF-98 [PDF] [DOC]
Exhibit Register (rev. 10/09/2023) LF-049LF-49 [PDF] [DOC]
Final Report and Motion for Entry of Final Decree (Chapter 11 Cases) (rev. 12/01/09) LF-035LF-35 [PDF] [DOC]
Final Report of Mortgage Modification Mediator MMM-013MMM-LF-13 [PDF] [DOC]
Final Report of Private Student Loan Mediator SLP-LF-011SLP-LF-11 [PDF] [DOC]
General Power of Attorney B411AB411A [PDF]
Individual Debtor Certificate for Confirmation Regarding Payment of Domestic Support Obligations and (for Chapter 11 Cases) Filing of Required Tax Returns (12/01/09) LF-071LF-71 [PDF] [DOC]
Initial Statement About an Eviction Judgement Against You B101AB101A [PDF]
Initial Statement About an Eviction Judgement Against You B101AB101A [PDF]
Involuntary Petition Against a Non-Individual B205B205 [PDF]
Involuntary Petition Against an Individual B105B105 [PDF]
Joint Pretrial Stipulation (05/07/10) LF-063CLF-63C [PDF] [DOC]
Lender’s Consent to Attend and Participate in Mortgage Modification Mediation MMM-009MMM-LF-09 [PDF] [DOC]
List of Creditors who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Against You and are Not Insiders B104B104 [PDF]
List of Creditors who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Against You and are Not Insiders B104B104 [PDF]
List of Creditors who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Against You and are Not Insiders B204B204 [PDF]
List of Creditors who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Against You and are Not Insiders B204B204 [PDF]
Monthly Operating Report for Small Business Under Chapter 11 B425CB425C [PDF]
Motion for Approval of Reaffirmation Agreement B2400BB2400B [PDF]
Motion for Issuance of Discharge and Notice of Deadline to Object (For Deceased Debtor) (12/01/2020) LF-097CLF-97C [PDF] [DOC]
Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (rev. 04/11/23) LF-044LF-44 [PDF] [DOC]
Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property (rev. 08/01/11) LF-102LF-102 [PDF] [DOC]
Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Real Property (rev. 11/01/17) LF-077LF-77 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Appeal and Statement of Election B417AB417A [PDF]
Notice of Clerk's Designation of Mediator (rev. 12/01/09) LF-053LF-53 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Clerk's Designation of Private Student Loan Mediator SLP-LF-010SLP-LF-10 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Clerks Designation of Mortgage Modification Mediator MMM-012MMM-LF-12 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Compliance by Attorney for Debtor with Local Rule 2083-1(B) Claims Review Requirement (rev. 12/01/09) LF-076LF-76 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Deadline to Object to Debtor’s Statement Re 11 U.S.C. Section 522(q)(1) Applicability, Payment of Domestic Support Obligations, etc. (Chapter 11 – 12 Cases) (rev. 12/01/24) LF-001LF-1 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Deposit of Funds with the US Bankruptcy Court Clerk (rev. 02/19/20)) LF-026LF-26 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Final Cure Payment B4100NB4100N [PDF]
Notice of Income Driven Repayment Plan Change SLP-LF-008SLP-LF-08 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of Transcript (rev. 12/01/09) LF-061LF-61 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Motion or Objection B420AB420A [PDF]
Notice of Objection to Claim B420BB420B [PDF]
Notice of Rule 2004 Examination (rev. 12/01/15) LF-014LF-14 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Selection of Mediator (rev. 12/01/09) LF-052LF-52 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Substitution of Counsel (12/01/2020) LF-043LF-43 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice of Transfer of Claim Other Than for Security B2100BB2100B [PDF]
Notice Regarding Opposing Motions for Summary Judgment (rev. 09/20/2022) LF-101LF-101 [PDF] [DOC]
Notice Required by 11 U.S.C. § 342(b) for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy B2010B2010 [PDF]
Notice to Defendant of Right Against Garnishment of Wages, Money and Other Property (rev. 12/01/15) LF-073LF-73 [PDF] [DOC]
Objection to Claim (rev. 12/01/09) LF-024LF-24 [PDF] [DOC]
Objection to Claim on Shortened Notice (rev. 12/01/09) LF-070LF-70 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Admitting Attorney Pro Hac Vice (rev. 12/01/16) LF-045LF-45 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Approving Disclosure Statement and Setting Confirmation of Chapter 11 Plan (rev. 02/01/23) LF-032BLF-32B [PDF] [DOC]
Order Approving Employment of Auctioneer (rev. 12/01/09) LF-023LF-23 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Approving Employment of Debtor in Possession's Attorney (rev. 12/01/16) LF-019LF-19 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Approving Employment of Trustee's Attorney (rev. 12/01/16) LF-020LF-20 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Awarding Final Trustee and Professional Fees and Expenses (rev. 01/28/13) LF-105LF-105 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Awarding Final Trustee’s Fees and Expenses (rev. 01/28/13) LF-104LF-104 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Conditionally Approving Disclosure Statement and Setting Hearing on Plan Confirmation and Setting Pre-Confirmation Deadlines Small Business Cases (rev. 02/01/23) LF-064ALF-64A [PDF] [DOC]
Order Converting Case Under Chapter 11 to Case Under Chapter 7 (rev. 12/01/24) LF-009LF-9 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Converting Case Under Chapter 13 to Case Under Chapter 11 (rev. 12/01/24) LF-107LF-107 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Converting Case Under Chapter 13 to Case Under Chapter 7 (rev. 12/01/24) LF-012LF-12 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Converting Case Under Chapter 7 to Case Under Chapter 11 (rev. 02/19/20) LF-006LF-6 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Converting Case Under Chapter 7 to Case Under Chapter 12 (rev. 03/11/16) LF-007LF-7 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Converting Case Under Chapter 7 to Case Under Chapter 13 (AFTER HEARING) (rev. 12/01/24) LF-008BLF-8B [PDF] [DOC]
Order Converting Case Under Chapter 7 to Case Under Chapter 13 (NEGATIVE NOTICE) (rev. 12/01/24) LF-008ALF-8A [PDF] [DOC]
Order Determining Debtor Has Cured Default and Paid All Required Postpetition Amounts (rev. 12/01/15) LF-081LF-81 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Establishing Procedures to Permit Monthly Payment of Interim Fee Applications of Chapter 11 Professionals (rev. 12/01/15) LF-091LF-91 [PDF] [DOC]
Order for Payment of Unclaimed Funds (rev. 08/20/19) LF-029LF-29 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Agreed Ex Parte Motion to Abate 3002.1 Notices and Reconcile Annually [De #__] and Amending Confirmation Order [De #__] (12/01/2020) LF-056LF-56 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Attorney-Represented Debtor’s Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation MMM-006MMM-LF-06 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Debtor's Ex Parte Motion to Approve Mediation Agreement with Private Student Loan Lender SLP-LF-013SLP-LF-13 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Debtor's Motion to Separately Classify Private Student Loan SLP-LF-015SLP-LF-15 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Debtor’s Motion to Separately Classify Federal Student Loan and Income Driven Repayment Plan SLP-LF-006SLP-LF-06 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Debtor’s Verified Ex Parte Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation MMM-002MMM-LF-02 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Ex Parte Motion to Excuse Compliance with Local Rule 5005-4 (rev. 12/01/09) LF-099LF-99 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Motion to Approve Mortgage Modification Agreement with (Lender) MMM-016MMM-LF-16 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held By (06/14/10) LF-103LF-103 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Motion to Value and Determining Secured Status of Lien on Real Property (rev. 11/01/17) LF-092LF-92 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Self-Represented Debtor's Verified Motion for Referral to Student Loan Program SLP-LF-003SLP-LF-03 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Granting Self-Represented Debtor’s Verified Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation MMM-008MMM-LF-08 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Jointly Administering Chapter 11 Cases (rev. 12/01/15) LF-058BLF-58B [PDF] [DOC]
Order Jointly Administering Chapter 15 Cases (rev. 12/01/15) LF-106LF-106 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Jointly Administering Chapter 7 Cases (rev. 12/01/15) LF-058ALF-58A [PDF] [DOC]
Order of Referral to Mediation (rev. 12/01/15) LF-051LF-51 [PDF] [DOC]
Order on Reaffirmation Agreement B2400CB2400C [PDF]
Order on Reaffirmation Agreement (Alt.) B2400C ALTB2400C ALT [PDF]
Order Reinstating Chapter 13 Case (rev. 05/10/16) LF-066LF-66 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Reinstating Chapter 7 Case (rev. 12/01/17) LF-002LF-2 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Reopening Case to Administer Additional Assets (rev. 12/01/15) LF-038LF-38 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Reopening Case to Amend Schedules to Add Omitted Creditor(s) (rev. 01/17/18) LF-037LF-37 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Setting Disclosure Statement Hearing in Chapter 11 Small Business Cases (rev. 02/01/23) LF-064BLF-64B [PDF] [DOC]
Order Setting Filing and Disclosure Requirements for Pretrial and Trial (Effective 12/12/2022) LF-068LF-68 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Setting Hearing on Confirmation of Chapter 12 Plan (rev. 02/01/23) LF-030LF-30 [PDF] [DOC]
Order Setting Hearing on Disclosure Statement and Other Deadlines (rev. 02/01/23) LF-032ALF-32A [PDF] [DOC]
Order Setting Subchapter V Confirmation Hearing (rev. 02/01/23) LF-030ALF-30A [PDF] [DOC]
Order Sustaining Objection to Claim (rev. 12/01/15) LF-025LF-25 [PDF] [DOC]
Periodic Report Regarding Value, Operations and Profitability of Entities in which the Debtor's Estate Holds a Substantial or Controlling Interest (if applicable) B26B26 [PDF]
Periodic Report Regarding Value, Operations and Profitability of Entities in which the Debtor's Estate Holds a Substantial or Controlling Interest (if applicable) B26B26 [PDF]
Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Proceeding B401B401 [PDF]
Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Proceeding B401B401 [PDF]
Plan of Reorganization for Small Business Under Chapter 11 B425AB425A [PDF]
Pretrial Order (sample) in an Adversary Proceeding (rev. 12/01/09) LF-063ALF-63A [PDF] [DOC]
Proof Of Claim B410B410 [PDF]
Proof Of Claim, Attachment A [Mortgage Proof of Claim Attachment] B410AB410A [PDF]
Proof Of Claim, Supplement 1 [Notice of Mortgage Payment Change] B410S-1B410S-1 [PDF]
Proof Of Claim, Supplement 2 [Notice of Postpetition Mortgage Fees, Expenses, and Charges] B410S-2B410S-2 [PDF]
Reaffirmation Agreement B2400A/B ALTB2400A/B ALT [PDF]
Reaffirmation Documents B2400AB2400A [PDF]
Report of Mediator (rev. 12/01/09) LF-054LF-54 [PDF] [DOC]
Request for Compact Disc (CD) of Audio Recording of Court Proceeding (rev. 12/01/23)) LF-013LF-13 [PDF] [DOC]
Request for Copies of Archived Case Files from US Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Florida (rev. 06/01/16) LF-059LF-59 [PDF] [DOC]
Required Lists, Schedules, Statements, and Fees B2000B2000 [PDF]
Response to Notice of Final Cure Payment B4100RB4100R [PDF]
Rights and Responsibilities Agreement Between Ch 13 Debtor and Ch 13 Debtor Attorney for Cases Filed in the United States Bankruptcy Court SDFL (rev. 12/01/15) LF-090LF-90 [PDF] [DOC]
Schedule A/B - Property B106A/BB106A/B [PDF]
Schedule A/B - Property B106A/BB106A/B [PDF]
Schedule A/B - Property B206A/BB206A/B [PDF]
Schedule A/B - Property B206A/BB206A/B [PDF]
Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt B106CB106C [PDF]
Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt B106CB106C [PDF]
Schedule D – Creditors Holding Secured Claims B106DB106D [PDF]
Schedule D – Creditors Holding Secured Claims B106DB106D [PDF]
Schedule D – Creditors Holding Secured Claims B206DB206D [PDF]
Schedule D – Creditors Holding Secured Claims B206DB206D [PDF]
Schedule E/F – Creditors Holding Unsecured Claims B106E/FB106E/F [PDF]
Schedule E/F – Creditors Holding Unsecured Claims B106E/FB106E/F [PDF]
Schedule E/F – Creditors Holding Unsecured Claims B206E/FB206E/F [PDF]
Schedule E/F – Creditors Holding Unsecured Claims B206E/FB206E/F [PDF]
Schedule G – Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases B106GB106G [PDF]
Schedule G – Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases B106GB106G [PDF]
Schedule G – Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases B206GB206G [PDF]
Schedule G – Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases B206GB206G [PDF]
Schedule H – Your Codebtors B106HB106H [PDF]
Schedule H – Your Codebtors B106HB106H [PDF]
Schedule H – Your Codebtors B206HB206H [PDF]
Schedule H – Your Codebtors B206HB206H [PDF]
Schedule I – Current Income of Individual Debtor(s) B106IB106I [PDF]
Schedule I – Current Income of Individual Debtor(s) B106IB106I [PDF]
Schedule J – Current Expenditures of Individual Debtor(s) B106JB106J [PDF]
Schedule J – Current Expenditures of Individual Debtor(s) B106JB106J [PDF]
Schedule J – Expenses for Separate Household of Debtor 2 (Individuals) B106J-2B106J-2 [PDF]
Schedule J – Expenses for Separate Household of Debtor 2 (Individuals) B106J-2B106J-2 [PDF]
Self-Represented Debtor's Verfified Motion for Referral to Student Loan Program SLP-LF-002SLP-LF-02 [PDF] [DOC]
Self-Represented Debtor’s Motion to Approve Mortgage Modification Agreement with (Lender) MMM-015MMM-LF-15 [PDF] [DOC]
Self-Represented Debtor’s Verified Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation MMM-007MMM-LF-07 [PDF] [DOC]
Special Power of Attorney B411BB411B [PDF]
Statement About Payment of an Eviction Judgment Against You (Individuals) B101BB101B [PDF]
Statement of Exemption from Presumption of Abuse Under §707(b)(2) (May be Required) B122A-1 SuppB122A-1 Supp [PDF]
Statement of Exemption from Presumption of Abuse Under §707(b)(2) (May be Required) B122A-1 SuppB122A-1 Supp [PDF]
Statement of Financial Affairs B107B107 [PDF]
Statement of Financial Affairs B107B107 [PDF]
Statement of Financial Affairs (non-individual) B207B207 [PDF]
Statement of Financial Affairs (non-individual) B207B207 [PDF]
Statement of Intention for Individuals Filing Under Chapter 7 B108B108 [PDF]
Statement of Intention for Individuals Filing Under Chapter 7 B108B108 [PDF]
Statement of Military Service B2020B2020 [PDF]
Statement of Your Current Monthly Income and Calculation of Commitment Period B122C-1B122C-1 [PDF]
Statement of Your Current Monthly Income and Calculation of Commitment Period B122C-1B122C-1 [PDF]
Subpoena for Rule 2004 Examination (rev. 12/01/21) LF-084LF-84 [PDF] [DOC]
Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Bankruptcy Case (or Adversary Proceeding) B2550B2550 [PDF]
Subpoena to Produce Documents, Information, or Objects or to Permit Inspection of Premises in a Bankruptcy Case (or Adversary Proceeding) B2570B2570 [PDF]
Subpoena to Testify at a Deposition in a Bankruptcy Case (or Adversary Proceeding) B2560B2560 [PDF]
Summary of Assets and Liabilities B106SumB106Sum [PDF]
Summary of Assets and Liabilities B106SumB106Sum [PDF]
Summary of Assets and Liabilities B206SumB206Sum [PDF]
Summary of Assets and Liabilities B206SumB206Sum [PDF]
Summary of [First] Interim (or Final) Fee Application of _______ (rev. 09/01/18) LF-089LF-89 [PDF] [DOC]
Summons in a Chapter 15 Case Seeking Recognition of a Foreign Nonmain Proceeding B2500FB2500F [PDF]
Supplemental Proof of Claim for CARES Forbearance Claim B4100SB4100S [PDF]
Sworn Declaration of Fact (sample) in an Adversary Proceeding (rev. 12/01/09) LF-063BLF-63B [PDF] [DOC]
Third Party’s Consent to Attend and Participate in Mortgage Modification Mediation MMM-010MMM-LF-10 [PDF] [DOC]
Third-Party Summons and Notice of Pretrial-Trial in an Adversary Proceeding (“This form is generated by the clerk’s office") CGFI27CGFI27 [PDF]
Transcript Request Form (rev. 10/01/24) LF-005LF-5 [PDF] [DOC]
Transfer of Claim Other Than For Security B2100AB2100A [PDF]
Trustees Application for Employment of Attorney (rev. 12/01/09) LF-016LF-16 [PDF] [DOC]
Trustee’s Summary of Requested Fees and Expenses (rev. 12/01/09) LF-100LF-100 [PDF] [DOC]
Verification of Qualification to Act as Mediator (rev. 04/09/21) LF-050LF-50 [PDF] [DOC]
Verification of Qualification to Act as Mediator (rev. 04/09/21) LF-050LF-50 [PDF] [DOC]
Verification of Qualification to Act as Mediator (rev. 04/09/21) LF-050LF-50 [PDF] [DOC]
Voluntary Petition (for individual debtors) B101B101 [PDF]
Voluntary Petition (for individual debtors) B101B101 [PDF]
Voluntary Petition (for non-individual debtors) B201B201 [PDF]
Voluntary Petition (for non-individual debtors) B201B201 [PDF]
Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal B2640B2640 [PDF]
Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal (rev. 12/01/09) LF-057LF-57 [PDF] [DOC]
Your Statement About Your Social Security Number(s) B121B121 [PDF]
Your Statement About Your Social Security Number(s) B121B121 [PDF]