Filing Fees
- Clerk's Summary of Fees - [For Updated Fee Policy Effective 9/7/2021 See Administrative Order 2021-09]
- Clerk's Summary of Fees (Effective December 2, 2024)
- Bankruptcy Miscellaneous Fee Schedule
- Bankruptcy Miscellaneous Fee Schedule [Effective 12/1/2023]
- Electronic Public Access Fee Schedule
- Witness Fees and Mileage Rates
- Judicial Conference Maximum Transcript Rates
Method of Payment
Payment must be made in the form of:
- a money order
- cashier’s or "official" check (personal checks are NOT accepted)
- electronic payment using a debit card or ACH (Automated Clearing House) bank-to-bank transaction in which payment is withdrawn directly from a bank account to another
NOTE: The clerk’s office cannot accept foreign currency. Make your Money Order or Cashier’s check payable to “Clerk, U.S. Court.” Payment by personal check or credit card is not accepted.
Type of Payments
- Full Payment (All Chapters) - Please view the Clerk’s Summary of Fees for current filing fee.
- Installments (Chapter 7, 11, 13) - If the full filing fee cannot be paid at the time of filing the petition, an application can be filed with the petition package requesting the fee be paid in installment using the Application for Individuals to Pay Filing Fee in Installments (LF-03). ONLY individual debtors (including joint petitions filed by spouses) may apply to pay the filing fee in installments. A minimum installment payment of one half the filing fee at the time of filing of the petition is required. [See Local Rule 1006-1.]
NOTE: ONLY debtors that meet poverty guidelines criteria can qualify for a Chapter 7 fee waiver.
NOTE: The clerk will not accept a voluntary petition presented for filing by a debtor seeking to pay filing fee in installments if filing fees remain due from any previous case filed by that debtor unless the application is accompanied by payment of all previously due fees. [See Local Rules 1002-1(B)(1)(b) and 1006-1(A).]