Welcome to the Attorney section of the Court's website. Here you will find information pertinent to you and your business with the Court.
Pro Se Helpdesk
The Pro Se Helpdesk originated in 2018 as an in-person, at-the-courthouse program designed to provide assistance to pro se parties in attendance at hearings in bankruptcy court.
Lawyers Advisory Committee
The bankruptcy court has formed a new Bankruptcy Lawyers Advisory Committee (the “LAC”). The purpose of the LAC is to serve as a liaison to the bankruptcy court and to facilitate communication between the bankruptcy court, the bar, and the public, discussing matters that the LAC believes might improve the administration of justice.
Pro Bono Committee
The bankruptcy court has formed a new Bankruptcy Pro Bono Committee (the “PBC”). The purpose of the PBC is to facilitate and better coordinate bankruptcy pro bono efforts in each division and county located in the Southern District of Florida. The PBC will also encourage the improvement of existing programs and the development of new programs by pro bono providers throughout the district.
Electronic Filing
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court and U.S. District Court require separate CM/ECF logins. CM/ECF credentials for the U.S. District Court will not work with the Bankruptcy Court. To register for electronic filing (LR 5005-4) refer to the CM/ECF Resources page.
The Court's Guidelines for Preparing, Submitting and Serving Orders will be strictly enforced. Please refer to each judge's link on the court website under the "Judges" tab for any additional requirements specific to that judge.
Ex Parte Communication
To ensure fairness to all parties, the Court does not entertain any oral or ex parte communications. Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9003 prohibits ex parte communications with the judge by any party in interest regarding any matter affecting a case. Failure to comply with this rule may result in sanctions.
Courtroom Decorum
The Court’s Guidelines for Courtroom Decorum will be strictly enforced at all times, whether or not the Judge is in the courtroom. Cell phones, beepers and any other device that makes noise must be turned off, or placed on vibrate, and may not be used while court is in session. Court is in session at any time the proceedings are being recorded even if the Judge is not present in the courtroom.
Privacy Protection Policy
Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9037 applies to all documents filed with the court. This policy requires parties in bankruptcy cases to modify or partially redact personal data identifiers contained in documents.