Local Rule 2090-1(C)(2), requires that an attorney who is not a member of the bar of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida may request to appear pro hac vice in any or proceeding before this court. You may also review Local Rule 9011-4(B)(2), required certification, and Local Rule 5005-4(B)(2), electronic filing, for additional information.
Obtaining Court Approval
1. A Local attorney must be associated with the visiting attorney. The visiting attorney must file a motion to appear pro hac vice (LF-44) and proposed order admitting the visiting attorney pro hac vice (LF-45) in the relevant case.
Note: The local forms may be edited accordingly when the visiting attorney:
- intends to appear only in a specific adversary proceeding in which case the motion shall be filed only in such adversary proceeding;
- shows good cause when filing a motion requesting relief from the requirement of association with a local attorney, and the court waives the requirement.
2. Both the local and visiting attorney, in a separate affidavit filed with or as part of the motion, shall certify they meet the criteria set forth in this local rule.
3. The proposed visiting attorney shall designate local counsel consistent with this local rule.
4. The visiting attorney shall pay the applicable fees associated with the motion to appear pro hac vice.
Planning Ahead (especially if the Attorney Intends to Appear by Telephone)
Many judges require telephonic appearance requests be made several days before a hearing and may not consider a request to appear by telephone until the attorney has been admitted pro hac vice. Please check each judge's webpage for the judge's requirements.