Public Access Services
McVCIS (Multi-Court Voice Case Information System)
(866) 222-8029
McVCIS is a FREE interactive voice response system available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day that allows anyone with a touchtone phone to determine whether a party has filed for bankruptcy from most bankruptcy courts in the United States. The system offers search capabilities using name, case number, social security number or tax identification number. Additionally, the speech recognition software is available in both English and Spanish languages.
McVCIS is easy to use. After speaking the name of the desired state, then district, if applicable, the caller is connected to that district's CM/ECF database. Using the letters on the telephone keypad, enter the debtor's name (last name first) using up to ten characters, then press the # key. If the debtor is a corporation, enter the first ten characters of the name, then press the # key. Punctuation is irrelevant but it is recommended that all ten allotted characters be used, if necessary, to refine the search results. If more than one match is found, the caller is able to select the desired debtor from the choices given by the system. The information accessible includes debtor(s)' name(s), date of filing, chapter, case number, judge name, attorney for the debtor(s), trustee (if applicable), tax identification number, date and time of any pending meeting of creditors, date of discharge, date of closing, and case status such as "Awaiting Discharge" or "Awaiting Closing."
Court Website
Anyone with access to the Internet can visit our web site to obtain a wide array of court information. Information available on our web site includes: general court information (such as court locations, office hours, and staff directory), local rules, administrative orders, local and official forms, filing and fee information, judges’ hearing calendars, court opinions, latest court news, access to the court’s electronic filing of proof of claim program, information for individuals filing without an attorney, links to related web sites and a copy of the most recent court newsletter.
If you have questions or comments regarding our web site, you may send us an e-mail by addressing it to:
ECF/PACER is a federal Judiciary fee-based electronic public access service that allows Internet users to obtain case and docket information from federal appellate, district and/or bankruptcy court case management systems (CM/ECF). Updated case information, including hyperlinks to all imaged case documents in PDF format, are immediately available and accessible through the ECF/PACER system.
ECF/PACER will provide the following information: listings of new bankruptcy case filings, including cases discharged, dismissed, converted and/or closed, case information accessible by case number, participant's name, and/or by social security or tax I.D. number, court docket reports and information for non-archived cases, claim registers, creditor mailing lists, and written opinions. Viewed information may be printed to a printer and/or saved to a computer.
To access the ECF/PACER system users will need to establish a subscriber account and register with the PACER Billing and Support Center ( An access fee of $.10 per viewable page is assessed for access to PACER service on the Internet, with certain exceptions (see Electronic Public Access Fee Schedule and information regarding Public Access to Copies of Court Records, and Application for Exemption from the Judicial Conference's Electronic Public Access Fees). This service is available 24/7, except for brief periods for necessary system maintenance.
For more information on ECF/PACER, inquire at the Intake counter, register by calling 1-800-676-6856, or visit the PACER Service Center web site at
Public Query Terminals
For viewing and/or printing case documents, docket sheets or claims registers, public query terminals are located at the clerk’s office intake sections in the Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach divisional offices. (See Clerk’s Instructions for Obtaining Copies of Court Records).
Electronic Public Access Fee Schedule
Published on: December 31, 2019
Effective on: January 1, 2020
(Issued in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1913, 1914, 1926, 1930, 1932)
CI-04 (rev. 01/01/20)