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Pro Bono Corner

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Pro Bono Opportunities for Lawyers

Want to volunteer? Contact one of the following organizations for more information.  While many legal aid offices only help people with very low income (poverty guidelines), some offices have more flexible income rules. Please do your part and help those who need it the most!

Contact Description
The Florida Bar Pro Bono Service Options and Reporting.  Download the Pro Bono Toolkit for Limited Scope Representation.
Bankruptcy Bar Association of the Southern District of Florida

**NEW **   Bankruptcy Pro Se Resource & Pro Se Clinic

REGISTER [HERE] as a volunteer to provide legal consultation (via telephone) to pro se individuals in the Southern District of Florida.

Consider staffing one of our VIRTUAL monthly pro se clinics

Put Something Back Dade Legal Aid provides services to eligible clients through the Put Something Back volunteer attorney project. To enroll or for more information on how to volunteer, accept a case, receive pro bono credit or donate, please email or or check out the Bankruptcy Project.
Florida Pro Bono Matters The Florida Bar Foundation supports statewide pro bono projects through Florida Pro Bono Matters, an online resource that helps you search and filter through available pro bono matters. Various resources are offered to volunteer attorneys as well as search capabilities for pro bono opportunities. For more information, please contact Claud B. Nelson III [Pro Bono Program Officer] at or Kimberly Rodgers, President of the FPBCA at
Free Legal Answers A program of the American Bar Association allowing volunteer lawyers to answer simple legal questions in discrete civil legal areas.
Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach, Inc. Attorneys in Palm Beach County have a long-standing history of serving the poor and disadvantaged through volunteer service. Over the years, the Pro Bono Program has grown and refers 1,000 clients to volunteer attorneys for assistance.
Florida Rural Legal Services, Inc. FRLS encourages private attorneys to sign up with our Pro Bono Coordinators in the Ft. Myers (239-334-4554 ext 4134), Ft. Pierce (772-466-4766 ext. 7016) or Lakeland office(863-688-7376 ext. 3018). Free CLE webinars are available for attorneys who assist us with cases and out-of-pocket costs are paid by FRLS.
Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. Use the links provided to volunteer or look for local Pro Bono Opportunities. For more information on Legal Services Pro Bono Project click here.
Florida Law Help This organization provides a Pro Bono/Legal Aid Directory in Florida.
Legal Aid Service of Broward County, Inc. The pro bono project, Broward Lawyers Care, is the recognized program in Broward County, Florida through the partnership of Legal Aid Service of Broward County and Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida. It also serves as a resource center and mentor program through free CLE seminars, trainings, and clinics.
Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida, Inc. This organization provides legal advice and representation for Broward County residents 60+ where filing will save the home under the Senior Citizen Law Project.  For more information call 954-765-8955. Additionally, in partnership with Legal Aid Service of Broward County, the Broward Lawyers Care pro bono project is also available (see above). For more information call (954) 736-2400.
The Time to Lead is Now
Video Description

Our collective efforts to provide access to justice in Florida are falling short.  Imagine if everyone had access to legal help. The U.S. Conference of Chief Justices, the Conference of State Court Administrators and the Florida commission on Access to Civil Justice have made that their goal. Solutions are at hand. The time to lead is now.