(A) General. Ballots shall conform to the Local Form “Ballot and Deadline For Filing Ballot Accepting Or Rejecting Plan” and shall be customized prior to service via U.S. Mail on each creditor by the plan proponent to reflect the class of that creditor. Ballots shall be filed electronically by registered users or conventionally and entered on the electronic docket by the clerk. Ballots will appear on the docket on the date filed. The CM/ECF system will generate a ballot summary report of all ballots filed in the case with a hyperlink to each PDF ballot image.
(B) Deadline for Filing. Except as otherwise ordered by the court, ballots accepting or rejecting a chapter 11 plan shall be filed with the court at least 14 days before the confirmation hearing; provided, however, that in small business cases ballots shall be filed at least seven days before the confirmation hearing.
[Comment: See also Local Rules 3017-1(B) (service of ballot), 3020-1(A) (deadline for objecting to confirmation).]