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2023 Recognition of Pro Bono Volunteers

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Recognition of Pro Bono Volunteers

       The Judges of the Bankruptcy Court thank the following lawyers for taking a bankruptcy case pro bono for the months of

November 2022 through October 2023

Magda Abdo-Gomez Angela Fiorentino Philip Landau Alan Rosenberg
Kenneth Abrams Boris Foster Joshua Lanphear Rachel L. Rubio
Kevin P. Ackerman Michael Frank Christian Larriviere Ariel Sagre
Teresa Alvarez Jose P. Funcia John H. Lee David Samole
Brett Amron Alexis Garcia Justin Lefko Theodore Sandler
Jeffrey Bast Samira Ghazal Jame Legget Carlos L. Sardi
Robert James Bigge, Jr. Daniel Gonzalez Jonathan Leiderman Dalyla Santos
Jose Blanco Gabriel Gonzalez Jaime Leggett Carlos Sardi
Leyza Blanco Kristina Gonzalez Kenneth Lockwood James Schwitalla
Brian Brooks Laila Gonzalez Brian McMahon Zach Shelomith
Michael J. Brooks Joe Grant Jerry Markowitz Richard Siegmeister
Scott Brown Ivan Guerrero Thomas M. Messana Paul Singerman
Frank Carrillo Jordi Guso Robert C. Meyer Jason Slatkin
Dia T. Colbert Heather Harmon Trey Miller, III David Softness
Sherry Cooper Gina Harris Steven S. Newburgh Steven Solomon
Alan Crane Hayley Harrison Tania Ochoa Christian Somodevilla
Allison Day Jeremy Hart Jose Antonio Pagan Harrison E. Standley
Daniel Dean Ross Hartog Jeanne Pena Chasity Chavasse
Mario Delgado Louis Hillman-Waller Dana Quick Charles Throckmorton
Dain de Souza Michael Hoffman Alejandra Ramirez Chad Van Horn
Maite Diaz Anna Huertas Jerome Ramseran Julie Wieliczko
Morgan Edelboin Alejandra Iglesia Patricia Redmond Nadine V. White-Boyd
John Eder Donna Joseph Heather Ries Stuart Young
Gerald Engel Dana Kaplan Ricardo Rodriguez Fernando Zuleta
Maria Escoto-Castiello Peter Kelly Robert Rodriguez  
Adela D. Estopinan John Kozyack Peter Rose