Recognition of Pro Bono VolunteersThe Judges of the Bankruptcy Court thank the following lawyers for taking a bankruptcy case pro bono for the months ofNovember 2021 through October 2022 |
Magda Abdo-Gomez | Michael Frank | Zachary Hyman | Patricia Redmond |
Brett Amron | Alexis Garcia | Glaucia Jones | Robert Rodriguez |
Jeffrey Bast | Samira Ghazal | Donna Joseph | Alan Rosenberg |
Matthew Bayard | Adam Gilbert | Dana Kaplan | Ariel Sagre |
Jose Blanco | David Glantz | Peter Kelly | Tuvia Sandler |
Leyza Blanco | Daniel Gonzalez | Tarek Kiem | Carlos Sardi |
John Bristol | Gabriel Gonzalez | John Kozyak | James Schwitalla |
Scott Brown | Kristina Gonzalez | Jacqueline Ledon | Peter Shapiro |
Clare Casas | Laila Gonzalez | Jonathan Leiderman | Zach Shelomith |
Dia T. Colbert | Joe Grant | Jaime Leggett | Eric Silver |
Alan Crane | Jordi Guso | Cori Lopez-Castro | Paul Singerman |
Maria Daneri | Gina Harris | Jerry Markowitz | Jason Slatkin |
Allison Day | Hayley Harrison | Tom Messana | Christian Somodevilla |
Mario Delgado | Ross Hartog | Michele Moss | Charles Throckmorton |
Maite Diaz | Nicole Grimal Helmstetter | Megan Murray | Chad Van Horn |
Maria Escoto-Castiello | Michael Hoffman | Steve Newburgh | Abbigail Webb |
Julianne Frank | Anna Huertas | Tania Ochoa | Nadine V. White-Boyd |
Stuart Young |