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2020 Recognition of Pro Bono Volunteers

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Recognition of Pro Bono Volunteers

       The Judges of the Bankruptcy Court thank the following lawyers for taking a bankruptcy case pro bono for the months of November 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020.
Magda Abdo-Gomez Maria Escoto-Castiello Dana Kaplan Sara J. Saba
Kenneth Abrams Adelaida Fernandez-Fraga Peter Kelly Ruben Saenz
Kevin Ackerman Yulema Figueroa Tarek Kiem Osley Sallent
Teresa Alvarez Eduardo Fons Natalie Knight-Tai David Samole
Brett Amron Boris Foster Christian Paul Larriviere Dalyla Santos
Paul Avron Michael Frank Justin Lefko Carlos Sardi
Roshawn Banks Jose P. Funcia Jaime Leggett Jeffrey N. Schatzman
Marc Barnat Robert C. Furr Jonathan Leiderman James Schwitalla
Jeffrey Bast Samira Ghazal Nathan Mancuso Ofer Shmucher
Jeffrey S. Berlowitz Steve Glerum Michael Marcer Richard Siegmeister
Robert Bigge Robert Goette Jerry Markowitz Eric Silver
Jose Blanco Daniel Gonzalez Aleida Martinez-Molina Joshua Silver
Leyza Blanco Gabriel Gonzalez Brian McMahon Sherri Simpson
John D. Bristol Hector Gonzalez Jessica McMaken Jason Slatkin
Michael J. Brooks Kristina Gonzalez Robert Meyer Douglas Snyder
Simona Burshteyn Laila Gonzalez Lou Mrachek David R. Softness
Jacqueline Calderin Joe Grant Meaghan Elizabeth Murphy Steven Solomon
Frank Carillo Nicole Grimal Helmstetter William "Bill" Murphy Christian Somodevilla
Clare Casas Jordi Gusso Scott A. Orth Terri Sonn
Dia T. Colbert Heather Harmon Les Osborne Samuel S. Sorota
Paul Contessa Gina Harris Jose Pagan, II Harrison Standley
Alan Crane Hayley G. Harrison Robert Pereda Chasity Strachan
Allison Day Joy Harrison Armando Perez Charles Tatelbaum
Marcel DeBayle Ross Hartog Thomas Pila Luis A. Torrens
Joyce Delgado Andrew R. Herron Dana Quick Catalina Urquijo
Mario Delgado Michael A. Hoffman Patricia Redmond Chad Van Horn
Haven Del Pino Brittany Hynes Mary Rivero Roy L. Weinfeld
Neema R. Desai Alejandra Iglesia Grace Robson Daniel Weiss
Maite Diaz Donna R. Joseph Rober W. Rodriguez Julie Wieliczko
Benjamin W. Dowers   Marc Roher Steven Zipper
Elias Dsouza   Peter D. Russin