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2017 Recognition of Pro Bono Volunteers

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Recognition of Pro Bono Volunteers

The Judges of the Bankruptcy Court thank the following lawyers for taking a bankruptcy case pro bono for the months of November 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.
Magda Abdo-Gomez Maria I. Escoto-Castiello Jeffrey B. Lampert Clay Roberts
Kenneth S. Abrams Adela D. Estopinan Phin Landau Kelly Roberts
Thomas L. Abrams Steven Fender David Langley Kenneth B. Robinson
Ido Alexander Eduardo Fons Eddy Leal Grace Robson
Vincent Alexander Boris Foster Thomas Lehman Cristina B. Rodriguez
Tesha R. Allison Gary Freedman Ronald Lewis, P.A. Robert W. Rodriguez
Teresa M. Alvarez Julianne Frank Colin Lloyd Eric Rosen
Sonia Y. Amador Michael A. Friedman Alexandra Lopez Cristina Rubio
Ana Cristina Augusto Andrew Fulton Nate Mancuso Kimberly Salamone
Alyssa Baer Jose Funcia Brian Mangines Dalyla Santos
Marc Barmat Robert Furr Michael Marcer Carlos Sardi
Lloyd A. Baron Johnny Gaspard Jerry Markowitz Alexandra Sarmiento-Walden
Jeffrey Bast Angelo Gasparri Julio Marrero Norman L. Schroeder, II
Owei Z. Belleh David Gay Jon L. Martin James Wade Schwitalla
Jeffrey S. Berlowitz Leslie Gern Cloyd Aleida Martinez-Molina Zach B. Shelomith
Robert J. Bigge, Jr. Elan Gershoni Michael Mercer Drew Sheridan
Daniel R. Brinley Samira Ghazal Robert Meyer Ofer Shmucher
John Bristol Paul Gifford Matthew Militzok Brad Shraiberg
Susan Brotman Kevin C. Gleason Katherine D. Mish Roger Shumaker
Michael P. Brundage Daniel Gonzalez Barry Mittelberg Richard Siegmeister
Carlos M. Cabral Gabriel Gonzalez Jeff Moussignac Eric Silver
Stephany Carr Hector Gonzalez William Murphy Adam Skolnick
David Carter Yvette Gonzalez-Costa James S. Myers Jason Elliot Slatkin
Clare Casas Joe Grant Rachel Nanes Douglas Snyder
Carlos R. Caso Marcus B. Griggs Ronald Neiwirth David R. Softness
George Castrataro Barry Gruher Steven Newburgh Samuel Sorota
Aida Cavooris Jordi Guso Tania Ochoa Vladimir St. Louis
Christina Coello Heather Harmon Menguin "Kristy" Oiu Abbey Steinberg
Brian Cohen Gina Harris Paul L. Orshan Chasity Strachan
Rachamin Cohen Hayley G. Harrison Scott A. Orth Lawrence Taube
Dia Colbert Ross Hartog Leslie S. Osborne Charles Throckmorton
Paul Contessa Flora Jackson Jose Antonio Pagan, II Jeffrey Tromberg
Alan Crane Christopher Jacobs Kristopher Pearson David Tybor
Alex Crane Sovathary K. Jacobs Barbara Phillips Chad Van Horn
Allison Day Kenneth B. Johnson Felipe Plechac-Diaz Victor Velazquez
Mario R. Delgado Michael Johnson Shaun T. Plymale Christina Vilaboa-Abel
Carolyn Delk Donna R. Joseph James Poe Steven E. Wallace
Haven Del Pino Daniel Katz Verna Popo Robert Weiner
Leo W. Desmond Julia Kefalinos Peggy Raejean Urbaneja Roy Weinfeld
Christina Diaz Mirian Kennady Craig Rasile Aaron Wernick
Maite Diaz Sheleen Khan Gian Ratnapala Thomas Willis, Jr.
Eduardo Dieppa, III Tarek Kiem Patricia A. Redmond Levi Wilkes
Benjamin Dowers Timothy Kingcade Arthur Rice Brian Yates
Elias L. Dsouza Sean I. Koplow Jason Rigoli Michael Zapin
Morgan Edelboim Barbara Kreitz Cook Mary Jo Rivero Anna Zhuromskaya
Brett Elam Jeffrey Kucera Poliana Rivero Steven Zipper